Tuesday 24 March 2020

The Function Of Logical Metaphor Oriented To Periodicity

Martin & Rose (2014: 149):
On the other hand, logical metaphors combine with experiential metaphors to package activity sequences as manageable chunks of information. This function of logical metaphor is oriented to periodicity. For example, this figure is one step in the argument that Tutu is advancing:
The Act required that
the application should be dealt with in a public hearing
unless such a hearing was likely to lead to a miscarriage of justice
(for instance, where witnesses were too intimidated to testify in open session).

Blogger Comments:

[1] To be clear, it is the textual metafunction that deploys ideational metaphor to provide alternative groupings of quanta of information. Halliday & Matthiessen (1999: 401, 413):
But ideational grammatical metaphors typically have a discourse function of this kind; they are as it were pressed into service by the textual metafunction, to provide alternative groupings of quanta of information.
… the textual metafunction is a powerful part of the explanation of ideational metaphor: ideational meaning is reconstrued in such a way that it suits textual organisation when meanings are being distributed in text. 
[2] As will be seen, 'periodicity' is a confusion of writing pedagogy with SFL Theory, specifically: the textual grammatical systems of THEME and INFORMATION, both misunderstood and rebranded as discourse semantics.

[3] This misunderstands the text. Tutu is not advancing an argument; he is merely reporting what the Act stipulated.

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