Sunday 13 September 2020

The Argument For MacroTheme And MacroNew [2]

Martin & Rose (2007: 198):
To this description we have added the title of Tutu’s Chapter 4, What about justice?, as an even higher level macroTheme (beyond this of course are the Table of Contents for his chapters, his acknowledgments, the title of the book as a whole, and the comments on the jacket cover - all higher level Themes, and the Postscript and Index of the book as its culminating higher level News):

Blogger Comments:

To be clear, there is no supporting argument here. This is merely an exercise in rebranding parts of the layout of a book as higher level Themes (Chapter title, Table of Contents, acknowledgements, book title, jacket comments) and higher level News (Postscript, Index). Moreover, there is the false assumption throughout that News are always separate from Themes. But most importantly, rebranding the layout features of a book does not constitute a model of language. People do not structure their speech in terms of tables of content and indexes, for example.


  1. I wonder what he would consider Rheme in these cases.

    1. An excellent point that I should have addressed. I may raise the undiscussed notions of macroRheme and hyperRheme (and macroGiven and hyperGiven) in future posts, or insert them into previous posts if more appropriate. Thanks! Much obliged!
