Sunday 6 December 2020

Problems With The Authors' Negotiation System Network

Martin & Rose (2007: 252-3):
Above SPEECH FUNCTION, in the discourse semantics, we have the system of NEGOTIATION, which sequences moves. The basic system allows for exchanges consisting of between one and five moves, as outlined in Figure 7.6. 

In addition there are tracking and challenging options which have not been included in the network. Either can increase the number of moves an exchange works through before establishing its obligatory K1 or A1 move; and in many cases challenges abort an exchange completely by refusing to comply and perhaps leading the negotiation off in another direction (by initiating a new exchange).
The different roles of dKl, K2, K1, K2f, K1f, dA1, A2, A1, A2f, A1f and tracking or challenging moves can be shown in analysis by modelling the former as constituency to the left of the move labels, and the latter as dependency to the right:


Blogger Comments:

[1] To be clear, for the system of NEGOTIATION to be above the system of SPEECH FUNCTION on Martin's stratum of discourse semantics, there needs to be a scale on which these two systems can be ranked as higher or lower. Martin & Rose have not proposed any such rank scale here.

[2] To be clear, the network does not specify the sequence of moves — it merely specifies which moves can be selected; but see [3] below.

[3] This is misleading, because it is not true. The network specifies either:
  • an anticipatory primary initiation OR
  • a nuclear primary initiation OR
  • a secondary initiation
and, in the case of action, either immediate or prospective compliance. That is, these two systems  of the network specify two — and only 2 — moves.

The third system is incoherent, because it misconstrues the presence or absence of a primary follow up move as more delicate options of secondary follow up move. That is, it confuses paradigmatic delicacy with syntagmatic sequence.

See also the clarifying critique of the first appearance of this network, Figure 7.2, here.

[4] To be clear, the failure to include these tracking and challenging options in the network is a serious shortcoming of the NEGOTIATION system, since, in SFL Theory, it is the system that specifies structures.

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