Sunday 7 October 2018

Misunderstanding The Nature Of The Metafunctions

Martin & Rose (2007: 77):
Helena describes herself in terms of her youth and her origins, and her lover in terms of his youth and English ethnicity, and she then contrasts this with another ethnic group he was popular with. As he is the focus of the story, her description of him is far more developed, including many positive attributes, such as bubblyvivacious, beamed out wild energy, sharply intelligent, popular. However, these inscribed judgements are dealt with as appraisals in Chapter 2, and we will set them aside in the discussion here, limiting ourselves to purely ideational categories.

Blogger Comments:

This misunderstands the metafunctions.  Such wordings serve both ideational and interpersonal functions; that is, they both construe experience as meaning and enact intersubjective relations as meaning.  The notion of "purely ideational categories" reflects Martin's misunderstanding of metafunctions as interacting modules, instead of orders of a dimension; see, for example, Halliday & Matthiessen (2014: 20, 32).  Martin (1992: 390): 
Each of the presentations of linguistic text forming resources considered above adopted a modular perspective. As far as English Text is concerned this has two main dimensions: stratification and, within strata, metafunction.

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