Sunday, 4 March 2018

On The Heteroglossic Function Of Monitoring Expectancy

Martin & Rose (2007: 57):
Monitoring expectancy is in fact a pervasive feature of conjunctions, realised as time, contrast and causes. In the next examples suddenly means ‘sooner than expected’ and instead of resting at night implies that ‘resting at night’ is what we’d normally expect:
They even stayed over for long periods. Suddenly, at strange times, they would become restless. 
Instead of resting at night, he would wander from window to window.

Blogger Comments:

[1] To be clear, the function of conjunctions and conjunctive Adjuncts is to conjoin units and relate them in terms of expansion features, either structurally through logical relations in complexes, or non-structurally through textual cohesion.

[2] In this way of thinking, 'blue' means 'less red than expected'.  To be clear, the adverb suddenly can function as a conjunctive Adjunct marking an immediate temporal enhancing cohesive relation between messages, as it does in the cited instance, or as a circumstance of Manner: quality.

[3] To be clear, the conjunctive Adjunct instead of marks an extending relation of replacive variation between a primary clause and a dependent non-finite secondary clause in a hypotactic clause nexus.

[4] Most importantly, neither of the cited examples includes an instance of heteroglossic engagement — the subject under discussion — since neither involves an acknowledgement of other voices with regard to the propositions involved.

[5] To be clear, the modal Adjunct even enacts interpersonal counterexpectancy (exceeding).

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